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Soundwell Electronic Products (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.
A one-stop manufacturer of encoders, potentiometers and switches with a history of 33 years.

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Soundwell Electronic Products (Guangdong) Co., Ltd.

Address:Guangdong Province Dongguan city Tangxia Town Phoenix Gang Sheng Wei Industrial Park

Measurement double potentiometer details

Article Source:www.xg468.com  Edit:Soundwell  issuing time:2015-11-30

  Convinced of the need to use adjustable potentiometer friends will want to know the double potentiometer correct measurement method, today, up to a common Electronic 100K, 3 feet adjustable rotary potentiometer for example:
  Adjustable potentiometer two fixed end as A, B, intermediate slider is C, then:
  1, measuring the resistance between A-B, should 100K;
  2, measured between the A-C, resistance between B-C, the two resistance value and should be 100K (or substantially equal);
  3, rotation of the adjustment process at any location shall meet the conditions 2;
  4, the knob counterclockwise adjusted to 0, then the resistance between the B-C is "0", the resistance between the A-C is "100K";
  5, fixed access measuring points B, C, knob from "0" point gradually adjusted to the maximum resistance value, the B-C should change between the knob position (angle) was the same proportional change;
  6, if it is a special potentiometer (logarithmic) is "proportional" relationship condition 5 should be "log."
  7, it is customary, the three point B should correspond to the circuit signal "0" level, A corresponds to the "max" (signal input), C is the output signal conditioning. A, B can be reversed, but adjust the opposite habit.
  First determine your "idiom";
  If the "counter-clockwise" to decrease, "Clockwise" is increased, the first counter-clockwise adjusted to 0, find the "resistance" of 0 to 2 points, the rest is A;
  A knob to any intermediate position measuring point A and the other two points of resistance, resistance to maintain 100K unchanged, the point is B.
  In fact, is based on the relationship Rab = Rac + Rbc determined C.
  Between the two took a larger input.
  Adjustable potentiometer measuring method of the above explanation to understand it? You can use under actual operating Oh!

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